Treating each other as equals and with openness is the key to living well together. We invite EVERYONE to join us at the Welcome Table. Whether you are new to Salzburg, have moved within the city, or have lived here for a long time. At the Welcome Table, we welcome old and new neighbors in the district, discuss how cultural diversity can enrich our lives, and how we can counteract misunderstandings between cultures.
What are the most beautiful aspects of the district for you? Tell us at the Welcome Table!
Get to know your district…
- What activities are available for children and adults?
- Culture in the district? What’s happening here?
- Questions about the municipality or the City of Salzburg? We can help!
- What does the “Bewohnerservice” do? Learn more about all the services!
Bewohnerservice Aigen & Parsch
Aigner Straße 78 / Kauftreff Aigen
5026 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 62 50 08
Willkommensbrunch: Mo. 3. Februar 9.30 – 11 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Lehen & Taxham
Strubergasse 27A
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 42 85 79
Willkommenstisch: Di. 4. Februar 14 – 16 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Gnigl & Schallmoos
Fritschgasse 5 / Eingang 2
5023 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 64 32 52
Willkommenbrunch: Di. 18. Februar 9 – 11 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Itzling
Reimsstraße 6
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 45 54 32
Willkommenstisch: Do. 23. Jänner 17 – 18.30 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Elisabeth-Vorstadt
Elisabethstraße 9
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0664 82 73 463
Willkommenstisch: Do. 6. Februar 18.30 – 20 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Liefering
Laufenstraße 36
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 43 19 25
Willkommenstisch: Do. 6. Februar 17 – 19 Uhr
Bewohnerservice Salzburg Süd
Hans-Webersdorfer-Straße 27
5020 Salzburg
Tel. 0662 63 29 19
Willkommenstisch: Mo. 27 Jänner 17 – 19 Uhr
Missed your appointment? No problem, just ask your Bewohnerservice when we can meet again!